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The Aligned Life

Ever feel like you have to be everything to everyone?  It's like you've got a hundred plates spinning in the air and it's a balancing act all day every day.  No one does it exactly like you do, so you end up trying to do it all but running yourself ragged.  Say NO MORE friend!  Join the Aligned Life 10 day bootcamp and let's get out of the spin cycle.

12 Modules

Start Here!

Alright!  Time to get crackin!  I'm so glad you're here.  There are just a few things to know before we jump in.

Where Does Your Time Go?

Where are you spending your time?  

Priority Shift

Now that you know where you're spending your time, where can we shift to be more aligned with your true values?

Calendar Strategies

Do you have multiple calendars for your crazy busy schedule?  I used to do just that.  One for home, one for work, one for kids stuff.  Then each member of my family had one too!  This will lead to crazy town.  Let's get your schedule nailed down in ONE single space.

Dings, Pings, and Pop Ups

Distractions and more distractions!  How do you stay focused?  Multi-tasking may feel like you're doing alot, but you actually lose 40-60% productivity!  Focus friends!

Make a Deadline and Stick to It

Did you know that work expands to fill the time you make for it?  That's great news because it means you can actually get things done much faster than you think!  It's called Parkinson's Law of Time Management.


Just because you can do it all doesn't mean you SHOULD do it all.  When and what should you delegate?

Time Block

With so many tasks to accomplish in the short 24 hours we have, it can seem impossible to get it all done.  It's easy to end your day thinking..."I just couldn't get it all done."  Let's try a time blocking strategy.

Your Best YES

Have you read the book Your Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst?  It's a great read about priorities and making the most of your time.  I'm going to sum it up for you today with my biggest take aways.

Three Things

The beginning and end of your day are so important for setting the tone of how your entire day will go.  Let's break it down!


You made it to day TEN!  Well done!  Now we talk tools for managing time.

Modules for this course 12
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